Submission of applications during COVID-19
8 May 2020
Due to the extended lockdown the Companies Tribunal operates remotely but continues to receive and process applications speedily and free of charge, therefore the following measures are announced:
- The Tribunal offices will continue to be closed till the end of the lock down period and consequently some of normal services will not be available.
- New applications may still be submitted on-line or through emails as has been the case.
- Online submission is the most preferred mode. Applications submitted this way will still be processed internally. For submission, log on to:
- Applications by email may be submitted to the following email address:
- Applications already allocated to members, that may be decided on the papers alone (without the need for a hearing), will continue as usual.
- Management of the Tribunal may still be contacted if necessary using the contact details on Annexure A.
- For legal purposes a Moratorium or Dies non has been placed on the running of days. (Annexure B).
Note: This Notice is valid for the initial period, the current extension and any further extensions of the lock down that the State President may declare.
Dr M. A. Chicktay
Companies Tribunal Chairperson
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