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Posted on 7 Jun 2017
Case number:
Case type: Name Disputes
Decisions Status: Granted

1) This is an application in terms of Section 160 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008
(the Act) requesting a default order against the Respondent, in that the name of
the respondent HB BODY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, does not satisfy the
requirements of section 11 of the Act and the respondent be ordered to choose a
new name, in terms of Section 160 (3) (b)(ii) of the Act.
Preliminary Issues
2) The application was served on the 9th of June 2014, on the respondent. I am
consequently satisfied that the respondent’s lack of participation in these
proceedings is not due to lack of service.
3) The Deponent to the Applicant’s papers is Dimitrios Tasioudis Tasios, who avers
that he is an employee (sales manager for foreign countries) of HB Body SA (the
applicant). He further alleges that he is authorised to depose to his affidavit and to
represent the Applicant in this matter.

Decisions and Orders

Date of Decision: 11 Aug 2015

Decisions Status: Granted

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