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Posted on 12 Jan 2018
Case number: CT012NOV2017
Case type: Others
Decisions Status: Dismissed

The Applicant is the Lonehill Residents Association (“the Applicant”), a non-profit company registered in terms of the company laws of the Republic of South Africa, under registration number 1996/014689/08. The Applicant applies to the Companies Tribunal for an exemption to the regulated structure when appointing a Social and Ethics Committee (“SEC”). The Applicant requests the Tribunal to allow the SEC to consist of one (1) director, one (1) prescribed officer and the minimum of three (3) other independent members. The affidavit in support of CTR142 is deposed to by Malcolm Larsen, the Chairperson of the SEC of the Applicant and duly authorized to depose the affidavit by the Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Applicant dated 28 October 2017.

Decisions and Orders

Date of Decision: 21 Dec 2017

Decisions Status: Dismissed

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